Tag Archives: benefits of Genome Editing

Genome Editing

Genome Editing: Pros and Cons

Genome Editing is the process where scientists change or edit the DNA of any cell belonging to plants, animals, bacteria, and even human beings. Scientists are trying to effectively develop a technique where they can manually edit the genetic material of cells. Genome editing working is done by introducing enzymes in DNA that cuts the DNA at a specific sequence. Those enzymes are specially engineered to target DNA at a specific sequence.

The most recent technique for editing is the CRISPER-Cas9 system. It is the adaptation of a naturally occurring genome system in bacteria. With this technique gene editing the process has become faster, accurate, and cheaper.

But why it is getting so much excitement on the topic? Mainly because it will reshape the future of people. Also, all complex diseases like HIV can be cured effectively. But there are some drawbacks to this topic. As well as most countries find the subject unethical. Especially, when the topic comes to human genetics and its editing. So, we will state some of the pros and cons of Genome Editing. Also, let’s discuss what the future of this subject is.

Pros of Genome Editing:

1. Treatment of complex human diseases:

Genome Editing is the best method for the prevention of human diseases. The disease that falls under hard to cure category is easily cured with this method. Scientists are researching the Editing Process to treat the diseases like cancer, heart diseases, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus), and more.

2. Genetically modified crops for the increased agricultural product:

In terms of crops, Genetic Editing can help in editing the genetics of crops. It can be very beneficial to increase productivity. It can help crops to resist drought and diseases. Besides, it can drastically increase their yields.

3. Helpful to biomedical research:

Gene editing allows researchers to create drugs. The invention of such new curable drugs is helpful for medical practice and more research. Also, it helps in creating cattle that have no horns or have more meat and less fat.

Cons of Genome Editing:

1. Might cause unintended effect:

Gene editing relies on cutting unrequired sequences of DNA. But it might not mean that we depended on the expected result. We can see the unwanted effect as well.

2. The use of Genome Editing is Expensive:

It is good for plants and animals for an increase in productivity. However, the use of Genome editing is very expensive. For business purposes, it might not be beneficial to farmers who rely completely on agriculture.

3. Considered unethical:

Genome editing is morally unacceptable to carry in the context of human beings. Besides, our society forbids such types of experiments too. For editing human genetics the DNA implantation is to be carried out in embryos. Many countries and scientists do not support this for humans.


We believe that genome editing is a very exciting topic for all scientists around the world. Besides, some common folks might also be looking forward to it. But currently, many questions are surrounding it. Altogether, we still require the proper answers to those questions. To carry out the gene-editing we need to do much more genetic testing. Once those tests succeed then we can confidently move forward.