Tag Archives: AMD Processor Pros and Cons

AMD Processor Pros and Cons

AMD Processor Pros and Cons

AMD is the second-largest supplier in the market being the only significant rival to Intel in the market for x86-based microprocessors. The AMD products include microprocessors, motherboard chipsets, embedded processors and graphics processors for servers, workstations and personal computers, and many more. AMD Processor has its own pros and cons which are different from the Intel.

Below are the AMD Processor Pros and Cons:-

Pros of AMD Processor

  1. AMD is cheaper

For a user who has less funds and budget, this is a good processor. The price is quite cheap when compared with Intel. Hence it is among the best choice for the gamers. The price is still low because AMD has not been holding and dominating the world market which is still being dominated by Intel and also hasn’t earned much reputation in the market.

  1. Has more Superior Graphic

Along with the cheaper price, the quality of AMD graphics processor is better and suitable for playing games because it makes the graphics display of the game more interesting if with this AMD processor. But, for YouTubers or renderer Intel is a better choice as AMD can be less suitable if using this one processor.

  1. AMD Processors Can Detect Malware

AMD Processors have a feature called Enhanced Virus Protection (EVP) which can detect virus and malwares. This feature helps to check whether there is a virus content in the running program.

  1. Can handle 64 bit Applications in a proper way.

With the advancement in technology, application development is also growing rapidly which results in a lot of content so it is a 64 bit based. Thus, the AMD producers make the processor more optimal when handling 64-bit based applications.

Also Read: Intel Processor Pros and Cons

Cons of AMD Processor

  1. Less Fame

Talking about the number of users in the world, AMD is very far from Intel. AMD brand is not very familiar to ordinary people. This is the reason behind the AMD processors being cheaper than the price of Intel because of its less fame though the quality of AMD is not less than Intel, even outside Intel.

  1. Fast Heat Generation

The AMD processors often expel heat because it does not use the heat sink as its main cooling component. It still use the fan as a cooling component. However, some people have switched to ice cooler to reduce the noise that is not pleasant to hear.

  1. Lost to Multimedia

Users being mostly involved in the multimedia world are not recommended to use this processor in the process you do. Intel is much preferable because it is designed to handle matters relating to multimedia.

Hence, these are few of the pros and cons of AMD processor. Though it is lagging behind Intel processors, it is doing its best. Analyze the market and your needs to choose best processor for yourself.