Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing

Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is not a new thing these days. It has become something that every business uses or plans to shift to. Industry experts believe that this cloud computing technology will only continue to grow and develop even further in the coming years. There is no doubt that rather than investing in the expensive equipment, it is best to subscribe to a service that provides you with all the benefits you would get from investing in the equipment, that too at a much cheaper price, and the best thing is you won’t even have to worry about harvesting the hardware physically. This blog is all about the Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing. Share with your friends and comment on your ideas. We would love to hear from you!

Cloud computing is an arrangement where digital services are provided in measured quantities to the clients who pay for the service they will be getting from the service provider. While all the businesses from small to big are taking advantage of the services, it is not without downsides, especially for smaller businesses.

Types of Cloud Services

  1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS is the lowest level of cloud solution that provides computing infrastructures as a fully outsourced service. In this service, the service provider provides pre-installed and configured hardware to the client through a virtual interface. The customer gets the hardware. And, they are free to use it in any way they are intended to use them.

  1. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS is similar to the IaaS provided by the Cloud Service providers but is somewhat more advanced. In this service, you not only get the hardware, but also an environment where you can develop, test, collaborate and deploy cloud solutions for particular applications.

  1. Software as a Service (SaaS)

When we talk about cloud services, we generally talk about SaaS, Software as a Service, where the cloud service providers provide you with software and a login credential to log into the software. You as a client just pay for the service and use them, not worrying about how and from where the service is being provided.

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Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing

Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing

Though there are advantages to cloud computing, it is not untouched by cons. The pros and cons of cloud computing are given below.


  • Cost-Efficient

Using cloud services instead of traditional expensive and high-end hardware is very cost-effective. The hardware is very expensive to buy and it doesn’t end there, the hardware needs to be maintained well. But on the other hand, the use of cloud service is available at much cheaper rates and hence can significantly lower the company’s IT expenses. There are many options available, as pay-per-use, one-time-payment, and other scalable options.

  • Reliability

With the managed service platform, cloud computing is more reliable than in-house IT infrastructures. The service providers take care of all the reliability issues, they have the redundancy features for every service provided if in any case, the hardware fails to operate, your data is kept safe and the service will be up and running in no time.

  • Almost unlimited storage

Storing information in the cloud gives you accessibility from almost anywhere in the world. According to the plans you have chosen, you have almost unlimited storage for you to store your user data. You don’t need to be worried about your storage running out now and then.

  • Backup and Recovery

The data you have stored in the cloud is redundant meaning. It has multiple copies over many other data centers in other parts of the world. So, in any event of data loss or hardware failure, your data are safe and can be recovered in no time.

  • Quick Deployment

Gone are those days when you need to set up your hardware to run your program, which sometimes used to take days to start. But with the cloud services, the deployment can just be a lot faster as you have to just choose your service. And, you’re your entire system will be functioning in a matter of few minutes.


  • Downtime

As a cloud service provider has to take care of a huge number of clients each day, they can sometimes be caught up in technical issues. This can lead your business to be temporarily suspended. And additionally, if your internet is offline, you will not be able to use any of the applications, servers, or data from the cloud.

  • Prone to attack

Keeping all your company’s important information in the cloud is not the best thing to do. You access the data through the internet, which as everyone knows is not the safest place. Continuous hack threats have shaken the world. Your data can easily be hacked and tapped. So, it is one of the downsides of cloud computing.

  • Limited control

Though you have your important data in the cloud, running a system that controls your business, you have very little or limited control over the service. The cloud infrastructure is completely owned, managed, and monitored by the service providers. And, it provides very little control over the client. The customer can control only the top layer of the services it gets from the customer. While the backend is not accessible to the user.

Conclusion on Pros and Cons of Cloud Computing

The pros and cons of cloud computing are very evident. On one hand, cloud computing makes the use of technology to its fullest. While technological advancement is a boon for your company, at the same time, it might be a threat to your privacy and data. The hack attacks that happen now and then are a harm to your system. You have the option to choose from whether you will have your entire system on the cloud or have only a few of their services.

It is a fact that cloud computing is an advancement in technology. It will grow and a huge number of businesses are sure to get involved in this trend. Today a company cannot neglect the benefits of having cloud computing on its side. With careful precautions and efforts, the disadvantages of cloud computing can easily be outweighed by its pros. The minimized costs, ease of use, data redundancy, data centralization, and many other similar features make cloud computing very beneficial and flexible. You cannot neglect the disadvantages of cloud computing. But with careful use, it can easily be a very important part of your business.

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