Category Archives: Food, Health, Cosmetic & Medicine

Food, Health and Medicine

Pros and Cons of Sleeping Pills

Sleeping Pills Pros and Cons

Insomnia is the common sleeping disorder which is characterized by difficulty in falling or staying asleep. People suffering from insomnia tend to have difficulty falling asleep, waking up often during the night and having trouble going back to sleep. To overcome this situation, these individuals are generally prescribed some medical pills by the doctors.

Sleeping pills are mostly taken by the individuals who have Insomnia i.e., difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep on their own. Sleeping pills help to promote or extend sleep. Though sleeping pills can help an individual at a far extent it may have some serious side effects if overused or abused. Below listed are some of the plus point and the negative point of the sleeping pills:

Sleeping Pills Pros and Cons


Pros of Sleeping Pills

Consulting a doctor will help you choose the best sleep medication for your particular needs. Taking sleeping pills can outweigh its downside with its benefits

  1. Provides much-needed sleep

Sleep is a much-needed rest from the hectic life when your body is working more than its normal routine. Like the people who travel from one place to another often take the sleeping pills as they can’t adjust with the surrounding and cannot get enough sleep. The sleeping pills enable them to adjust to their new schedule with minimal fatigue.

  1. Act as double-duty medicine

The sleeping pills provide rest in the hectic life of an individual and also treat other conditions, such as depression and anxiety. The sleeping pill also helps to treat the underlying cause of the sleeplessness and also provides symptom relief.

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Cons of taking Sleeping Pills

Despite the benefits of taking sleeping pills, it may have some drawbacks too. The potential downsides of taking pills on a regular basis may include:

  1. Dependence

In many cases, sleeping pills can increase the dependence of the pills in users psychologically rather than physically when taking it over for a long period of time. The body gets used to with the drugs and you may need higher doses to get the same sleep-inducing effect. Taking a high dose may lead to depression breathing while you sleep, which ultimately leads to death.

  1. Drowsy Driving

New data has revealed that people who take certain forms of People who take a sleeping pill like the zolpidem (Ambien) may still have the effect of the drug in their bodies in the morning too which may affect their activities like driving. Especially women or people who take extended forms of the pills are, particularly at risk. People must follow the doctor’s dosing instructions to avoid next-day drowsiness.

  1. Strange behavior

The sleeping pill is also known to cause side effects like sleepwalking and amnesia. People may sleep at one place and wake up at another and still be unaware about it. People also evidence some strange behavior when you are taking the sleeping pills.

  1. Cancer and Death

People taking sleeping pills at least twice a week or more than twice are likely to cancer and die from it than those who did not take them. This does not mean that these drugs are always responsible for causing negative side effects.

Pros and Cons of Contact Lenses

Pros and Cons of Contact Lenses

These days’ contact lenses are much more preferred and accessible to the people. Lens cost more price than the glasses as the glasses don’t need to be replaced often and require less maintenance too. Also, while wearing glasses you don’t have to touch your eyes unlike the contact lenses, infection risk is very less. However, there are many pros too when choosing lenses over the glasses.

Below are few pros and cons of wearing the contact lenses and not the glasses:

Pros and Cons of Contact Lenses

Pros of contact lenses

For any common people, you always feel more attractive without the glasses on your nose and shall always prefer wearing contact lenses so that it will never interfere with the wardrobe. Below are some other advantages of wearing contact lenses:

  • Like the glasses, the contact lenses also provide vision correction.
  • Whenever participating in the outdoor and indoor activities, you don’t need to be concerned about losing the glasses as well as there will less facial injuries wearing the lenses. Even simple fun times with the children, the lenses are safer than the glasses.
  • Contacts are known to provide better side vision than eyeglasses as wearing glasses impairs your peripheral vision.
  • Lenses don’t need any kind of adjustments like the glasses and usually stay in place and are less distracting.
  • Lenses are not affected by the weather and also they don’t fog up.
  • A wide range of lens types is available to meet individual needs.

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Cons of contact lenses

Pros and Cons of Contact Lenses


People tend to be excited when they get their first contact lenses. With the lenses, they come some negative realities right after or with time. Though wearing lenses may sound like a good idea, they are some negative consequences on wearing contact lenses:

  • Wearing the lenses can be uncomfortable and also it can make your eyes dry or even worse affecting the health of your eyes.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing the lenses can be complicated and inconvenient. Very good hand-eye coordination is needed to clean, insert, and remove the lenses.
  • Contact lenses increase the risk of corneal infections, corneal scratches, ulcers, and inflammations. Many patients don’t care about the morning and nighttime care and maintenance.
  • Wearing contact lenses is quite expensive and can cost at least $150 per year which includes the costs of cleaning and disinfecting solutions. But the cost of the lenses may vary according to the type of lens you wear.
  • Lenses can be easily damaged or lost if the people are careless.
Pros and Cons of Gastric Sleeve

Pros and Cons of Gastric Sleeve

When obesity turns to be a medical problem then it starts to affect the lives of the patients. They are however unable to lose weight so is supervised to undergo weight loss programs among which bariatric surgery can be a viable option.

A gastric sleeve procedure also called a sleeve gastrectomy, is the commonly used bariatric surgery in which parts of the stomach is actually removed so as to make a person feel full after eating food in a very less amount as well. Only a small banana-shaped section is left behind.

Here are those Pros and Cons of Gastric Sleeve:

Pros and Cons of Gastric Sleeve

Image: obesitycontrolcenter
“gastric-sleeve surgery recovery”

Pros of Gastric Sleeve

The gastric sleeve procedure can result in many benefits. Few of them are as listed below:

  1. Reduction in Caloric Intake

After the gastric sleeve surgery, the nutritional plan that you eat may not change, but the amount of food that you consume will. This will ultimately reduce the caloric intake leading to the shedding of a dramatic number of pounds in a short period of time.

  1. Significant Weight Loss

People can expect to lose about 60 to 75 percent of their excess weight after undergoing the gastric sleeve procedure.

  1. Fewer Nutritional Deficiencies

There may be an occurrence of vitamin and mineral deficiency sometimes after a bariatric surgery. However, it isn’t sure about it with a gastric sleeve surgery as the absorption of food is not altered.

  1. No Dumping

No intestines are rerouted during the gastric sleeve surgery which as a result gives no symptoms of the negative side effect called dumping which is associated with a gastric bypass. Dumping usually occurs when the contents are dumped into your small intestine before digestion.

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  1. Reduction in Hunger

Not just the stomach but the hormones, such as ghrelin which affect the appetite, are also influenced by the surgery. Ghrelin hormone which is produced by cells within the stomach is responsible to increase your sense of hunger. Since the gastric sleeve surgery removes the portion of your stomach the ghrelin-producing cells are removed too, which results in decreased appetite.

  1. Improvement of Systemic Health Conditions

With no more obesity, the weight-related health conditions are dramatically improved after a gastric sleeve surgery. People suffering from diabetes, polycystic ovarian syndrome, gastroesophageal disease, high cholesterol, hypertension or obstructive sleep apnea can feel a drastic improvement in their health factor

Cons of Gastric Sleeve

Though the surgery may have many benefits, there are also through the procedure are small. However, they do sometimes occur. Below listed are a few of them:

  1. Organ Damage

During the surgery of removing the parts of the stomach, the nearby organs can be punctured or damaged.

  1. Chronic Heartburn

Patients may sometimes have regular heartburn due to the reduction in the size of the stomach.

  1. Vomiting

If food is consumed in a large quantity, uncontrollable vomiting may occur

  1. Infections

In some cases, the partially digested food can leak from the surgical wound into the gut causing infections.

Removing Tonsils Pros and Cons

Removing Tonsils Pros and Cons | Tonsillectomy

Tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of the tonsils, the two lymphatic tissues found in the throat. Tonsils protect the body from infections but often becomes very problematic, especially in children. The most common reason for the tonsillectomy is the recurrent sore throats. It is a fairly simple procedure, but it is the aftermath that causes all the trouble. In children, the tonsil gets sore and painful and can be a large nuisance. Tonsillectomy is the most effective treatment for problems with tonsils. Removing tonsils pros and cons have their own stand.

In the past, doctors used to think that tonsils served no purpose, however recent studies have shown that it is the vital defense system against the infections which enters through throat or nose. Also, there have been studies that show that the benefits of removing tonsils last for a couple of years, so removing them through surgery isn’t the best solution. Some recent research showed that those who had their tonsils removed before the age may be 44% more likely to have a heart attack than those who have not undergone tonsillectomy. It stands similar for the people above 50 years of age.

Pros and Cons of Removing Tonsils

Removing Tonsils Pros and Cons

The pros and cons of removing tonsils are listed below.


  • Pain Relief

Those who have suffered from tonsils know what the pain feels like. The people who have their tonsils removed used to have 3-4 severe sore throats a year which can have a negative impact on daily life and nutrition. The eating and drinking patterns get distorted and destroyed. Upon removing the tonsils, the sore throat as well as the pain stops and aids in the eating and drinking of the patient.

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  • Feel Better

Due to the infection in the throat, the body had to do extra hard work just to fight against the infection and the pain it caused. This process is very unpleasant for the body. Getting your tonsils removed solves the problem and the body feels better and rejoiced.

  • Better breath and taste

The tonsils trap the dead cells and bacteria which often gives bad breath and alters the taste of the foods you eat. A better breath is always welcomed by every individual as they let them live their life happily.

  • Improved sleep

Another advantage to removing tonsil is that many children and adult experience improved sleep. Removing the tonsil often resolves obstructive sleep apnea, which a dangerous condition in which an individual quits breathing during sleep due to obstruction on the throat.


  • Bleeding

Bleeding is a common complication of having a Tonsillectomy. This can be a very serious case if there is excessive blood loss or if the blood cannot be stopped in time. Many major complications might take place due to blood loss like the hypovolemic shock after which the tissues might start dying resulting in person death as well.

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  • Long Recovery

The recovery time for the Tonsillectomy is very lengthy. A very severe sore throat usually lasts for up to two weeks after the surgery. The recovery is slow and lengthy and it surely isn’t a pleasant one.

  • Post-Operative Infection

The bacteria clump to the area were the tonsil used to be, which leads to mild infection. A mild fever may also occur and it may delay the recovery process. The infections after the surgery are very rare to become the serious one, but it has a higher chance that it is sure to occur.

  • Painful Recovery

The recovery is lengthy and very painful one. A severe sore throat lasts for a longer period of time and other injuries to occur as a result of Tonsillectomy. Dental injuries and earaches may also occur due to removing tonsils.


Whether you should or not remove your tonsils will be determined by your medical condition. Speaking to the doctor and talking about all the risks and benefits involved will help you gain a better understanding of whether it is a better choice to have the surgery to find an alternative to your problem.

Laser Eye Surgery Pros and Cons

Laser Eye Surgery Pros and Cons

The laser eye surgery is the surgical procedures that are usually performed to correct vision problems which may include nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia which reduces the dependence on the prescription of eyeglasses and contact lenses.

To perform a laser eye surgery is a big decision, and it is very important to make sure it’s the right decision before doing it. Below listed are the pros and cons that need to be considered before going ahead with a laser eye treatment:

Pros and Cons of Laser Eye Surgery

Pros of Laser Eye Surgery

  1. Safe and painless

The Laser eye surgery is a very safe if performed by an expert surgeon on patients for good candidates for treatment.

The laser eye procedure is actually quite painless because of the anaesthetic eye drops your surgeon will apply beforehand. There is a feeling of pressure for about 20 seconds while the femtosecond laser is used. There may be some discomfort after surgery as your eyes heal, but this will end soon.

  1. Quick

Though you will have to wait in the queue for about an hour and a half, the procedure for the surgery will take around 9-10 minutes for both eyes. Since, the lasers are only active for approximately 30 seconds per eye, it is very quick with no hospital stay required.

  1. Rapid visual recovery

Many of the patients have an drastic change in the vision immediately after surgery. Within 4 hours almost all patients have better than 20/20 vision.

  1. No more broke glasses or contact lenses

With vision problem, it is sure that lenses or glasses are part of your daily life. So, it means that there are high chances of losing them or breaking them. One of the main benefits of the surgery is that you no longer have to be dependent on glasses or lenses. As the laser eye surgery is a permanent treatment, you will never have to worry about the risks of contact lenses or broken glasses anymore.

  1. No more frequent doctor visits

While wearing glasses or lenses, you frequently have to visit the doctor and pay for eye tests, lenses and frames for the rest of your life. By choosing the laser eye surgery you’ll get a a permanent treatment with one fixed cost.

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Cons of Laser Eye Surgery

  1. Risk of complications

There may arise some complications after the laser eye surgery. The complications with laser eye surgery are very rare but the risk of complications can be minimized by choosing a world-class eye hospital with the very best ophthalmic surgeons. Always make sure you choose the surgeon and clinic very carefully for the best treatment

  1. A couple of days off work

Laser eye surgery is a very quick procedure, but it is best to take some time away from work. The number of rest days depends on the individual circumstances and the type of work that you do. It is better to follow the advice of your surgeon

  1. Big investment

The cost of laser eye surgery can seem can be considered as an big investment. That’s why many hospitals offer a range of monthly finance options to help make vision correction affordable for everyone.

  1. Not a miracle cure

Laser eye surgery can improve dramatically, but don’t expect miracles. The dependence on glasses is reduced slowly, and you  find yourself using them for some specific tasks, such as reading small print or driving.

  1. Side effects

There may have some side effects like dry eyes after your treatment. However, to help the eyes heal, your surgeon will give you eye drops to help manage this. These effects will reduce significantly after the first month following treatment, and will continue to improve.

Plastic Surgery Pros and Cons

Plastic Surgery Pros and Cons

Looking great is part of everyone’s dream. Some are gifted with good looks while some just have huge sum of money to spend on to get the looks they have been wanting. Millions of people, both male and female, undergo cosmetic surgery also known as plastic surgery in every part of the world every year. The plastic surgeons are capable of changing the looks from every facial to every other parts of the human body. Some surgery is done for medical reason while many other are for self-satisfaction. As every coin has two faces, plastic surgery pros and cons too are not negligible.

Though plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are two different things, they are often used interchangeably. The surgery is done in many ways like skin grafting, skin flap surgery, tissue expansion an many other. Despite the need and importance of plastic surgeries, there are also setbacks along with the reconstruction through surgery. Before going into any kind of plastic surgery, many factors are to be considered. The results might not be as expected or sometimes the surgery cannot be carried out because of the structure of the patient and other features. The views are further divided into pros and cons.

Pros and Cons of Plastic Surgery

Pros and Cons of Plastic Surgery


The pros and cons of plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery are listed below.


  • Confidence Boost

Sometimes surgery is very essential in some cases to boost the confidence of patient. The patient who have suffered from any kind of physical deformity due to any accident or other incident, needs to be dealt with surgery for their confidence boost. It helps them live rest of their life in peace and satisfaction.

  • Needed for People with Physical Impairment

Child born with deficiency, deformed body parts, or those without functional limbs etc. can take advantage from plastic surgery to live their daily life. Solving a step with the surgery can help open door for other steps in the way of betterment of life.

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  • Appearance

Some pay huge sum of money to make them feel better about how they feel about themselves. Their appearance matters a lot to them. Most of the celebrities have gone for cosmetic surgery just to uplift their self-image for their own betterment. 

  • Boost social skill

Most people who have been conscious about their physical flaws and deformities have usually been shy to open up socially. They might have been very talented socially through interface, but personally they might not be confident enough. The plastic surgery can help such personality overcome such flaws.


  • The Risk

The plastic surgery carries certain degree of risk and it depends upon what you want to get from the surgery. There are many risks from infection from incision to blood clots to nerve damage to other life-threatening risks.

  • The Scars

Depending the procedure used for the surgery, it generally leaves a scar. A lot of plastic surgery procedures can leave visible scars. It might not be a problem for many but who have done the surgery for cosmetic purpose, a scar can leave them with disappointment rather than satisfaction.

  • Cost

Cost is the biggest blockade in any type of surgery. Any such surgery requires a team of highly specialized surgeons who charge significantly huge sum of money. Some such surgery can cost up to $40,000. This can be a serious issue for people with born physical deformities who want to get them fixed.

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  • Can’t fix everything

We need to realize that surgeons are not God and surgery isn’t solution for everything. Our technology now isn’t that advanced to help in any surgery, it might get advanced in future, but now, we need to know that everything can’t be fixed with plastic surgery.

Conclusion on Plastic Surgery Pros and Cons

Any cosmetic surgery to be done or not, is always a personal preference. Any one who thinks they need the surgery has right to undergo the surgery. There are many factors that need to be taken into consideration before making any decision of taking the surgery. Once you are aware of all the pros and cons of the surgery, you are free to take any surgery given that you have th time and money it takes for the surgery.

Pros and Cons of Mouthwash

Pros and Cons of Mouthwash

In many European countries, using mouthwash is a habitual part of their oral health routine. Brushing their teeth, floss, rinse with mouthwash, and then stepping off to work or to bed is their daily routine.

Mouthwash boasts a number of benefits than simply freshen the breath. It fights against cavities, gum disease and even protects against early labor. There are certainly a number pros as well as cons of mouthwash, so you should decide what’s best for you and your family:

Mouthwash Pros and Cons

Pros of using Mouthwash:

  1. Help fight with cavities

Mouthwash contains fluoride that helps rinse and neutralize away bacteria which later can cling the teeth and contribute to decay and also gives protection against cavities by helping them strengthen the teeth’s enamel.

  1. Keeps the gums healthy

Since mouthwash helps rinse and neutralize away the bacteria, it is less likely of bacteria to stick around the gums and provoke infection, inflammation, or gum disease.

  1. Protect the pregnancy

A gum disease is very common during pregnancy and the bacteria from the gum infection can also sometimes enter the bloodstream of the pregnant woman which results in early contractions and also increased inflammatory markers. Hence, mouthwash fights the bacteria that causes gum disease and protects the pregnant woman.

  1. Helps to whiten teeth and freshens the breath

Mouthwashes remove the stains from the teeth and give a whiter appearance and also freshens the breath which ultimately can be a major confidence booster.

  1. Soothes canker sores

Canker sores common as mouth ulcers are very painful sores that can form inside the mouth. A mouthwash can help canker sores heal faster by eradicating bacteria causing inflammation.

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Cons of Using Mouthwash:

  1. Cause irritation

Mouthwashes having a high alcohol content have strong antibacterial properties can sometimes cause irritation to the tissues present in the mouth and also make it more difficult for mouth ulcers to heal.

  1. Causes dry mouth

Using the mouthwash for the excessive number of time containing alcohol can dry out the mouth, which ultimately leads to tooth sensitivity, bad breath, and even cavities.

  1. May not be safe for accidental consumption

Very few mouthwashes contain ingredients that may cause harm if accidentally swallowed. This is a reason why mouthwash is prohibited for use by children under the age of six.

  1. Potential link to oral health issues

If you are suffering from a bad breath problem, you can mask it with regular mouthwash use. But masking and treating a condition are not the same thing.

Consequently, most dentists agree to the fact that using mouthwash is not a substitute for oral health care and it more important to brush and floss twice per day than to use mouthwash. It’s a complementary habit that gives the mouth an added health boost.

Pros and Cons of Lemon Water

Pros and Cons of Lemon Water

Lemon water is a very popularly known beverage for its taste and cleansing effects. It is rich in vitamin C and helps in a procedure of digestion and helps to lose weight. Though it does a regular cleansing which is a great idea, it also can show some side effects if you drink too much:

Pros of Drinking Lemon Water

Lemon Water Pros and Cons


By just being a simple drink, the benefits lemon water is quite impressive. Even if you’re not a big water drinker, just a glass of lemon water you can feel much of a difference and also you find yourself reaching for a glass again:

  1. A detoxification agent:

Lemon water is a known mild detoxification agent which detoxifies and reduces bacterial growth inside the body and stimulates the liver to function better.

  1. Control body pressure

Lemon is packed with various substances that lower and controls the blood pressure. Hence, lemon water is actually a wonderful stimulant during pregnancy for women affected by hypertension.

  1. Source of vitamins, calcium, and magnesium

Lemon is rich in Vitamin C, calcium and magnesium, which are important when it comes to improving bone health, to boost immunity and to fight against the stimulant that causes seasonal cold and flu at bay. The antioxidants present in vitamin C fight damages caused by free radicals making your skin looking fresh

  1. Helps in digestion:

Consumption of lemon water during the pregnancy helps stimulate digestion and keeps the body hydrated and nourished.

  1. Controls cholesterol level

Lemon water is also known to be helpful in reducing blood cholesterol levels by preventing constipation and easing the expulsion of toxins from the body.

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Cons of Drinking Lemon Water

Drinking too much of anything can prove to be a hazard for you and the same applies to drink much lemon water. The cons of drinking lemon water at an extent are:

  1. Tooth Erosion:

Consuming acidic foods or beverages, which also includes many glasses of lemon water per day may cause your teeth to have a constant amount of acid washing over them. The citric acid present erodes tooth enamel and makes your teeth extra sensitive to hot or cold foods.

To protect your teeth, drinking acidic beverages through a straw can be quite useful.

  1. Heartburn:

Heartburn is much triggered when drinking too much lemon with water. Heartburn causes severe burning and pain in your chest.

Hence, having acidic foods and drinks at a very less amount helps to prevent and relieve heartburn symptoms.

  1. Frequent Urination:

Lemons have a high content of vitamin C and citric acid. It is well-known for its diuretic properties, which increases urine production in the kidneys thereby helps your body to eliminate excess fluid and sodium in the form of urine more often.

Pros and Cons of Drinking Beer

Pros and Cons of Drinking Beer | Side Effects of Beer | Benefits of Beer

Beer even referred to “liquid bread”, is one of the oldest and one of the most preferred and popular alcoholic beverages in the world. The main component used in the beer is the Brewer’s yeast, which is known to be a rich source of nutrients and this ultimately means that beer may have various health benefits as well as have its side effects too. Below listed are the pros and cons of drinking beer.

Pros and Cons of Drinking Beer are:-

Beer Pros and Cons

Pros of Drinking Beer

  1. Kidney stones:

For normal drinkers, beer consumption reduces the risk of developing kidney stones inside a body. Researchers found that there was a 40% lower risk of kidney stones in beer drinkers.

  1. Source of vitamins, minerals:

Beer is known to be rich in many sources of vitamins of the B group and different minerals such as magnesium. Barley and hops used in the manufacture of beer are known to be rich in pigments which have powerful antioxidant effects.

Also, NIAAA (The National Institute On Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism) found that the lowest death rate from all causes occurs at the level of one or two drinks per day which means that moderate drinkers have the greatest longevity.

  1. Aid against Coronary heart disease (CHD):

Many pieces of evidence have been collected to prove that light-to-moderate alcohol consumption has cardio-protective properties. The moderate drinkers are at a very low risk of CHD related mortality than in comparison to both heavy drinkers and abstainers. The vitamin B6 present in the beer seems to prevent the alcohol-induced rise in blood homocysteine i.e. a probable heart disease risk factor.

  1. Cholesterol:

Drinking moderate alcohol affects many processes in the body in which one is the significant increase in HDL cholesterol which is known as good cholesterol in a human body.

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Cons of Drinking Beer

  1. Belly inflammation:

Beer belly is caused due to the heavy beer consumption which may promote abdominal obesity in men but drinking beer in limit will not cause obesity.

  1. Cancer-Causing

Although beer is not exactly a poison, it still is prone to cancer. This harmful disease has claimed the lives of thousands and the count is not finished yet. The cure for cancer can be reduced by avoiding certain foods which include beer or alcohol for that matter. By further researches, it is found that even consuming one beer every day increases the risk of cancer by 20 percent when compared to someone who does not consume beer at all.

  1. Intoxication

Drinking less alcohol also can adversely affect attention and motor skills. Many serious accidents are the alcohol-related i.e. accident of motor vehicles, falling off your chair, down the stairs, out windows, etc.

This may also include “Beer Muscles which can make the person believe they can physically take on any person in the room which ends up with a person being sprawled on the floor with severe injuries.

  1. Dehydration

While urinating, only 10% of what you drink is removed through urine but, to get rid of the remaining 90% the liver needs the water. To do so, the liver is forced to divert water from other organs which may include the brain that may cause the throbbing headaches.

  1. Heartburn

The beer has powerful stimulants which secrete gastric acid and may provoke gastroesophageal reflux which causes heartburn.

  1. Blood pressure

Drinking too much alcohol can raise blood pressure to unhealthy levels. Daily consumption of beer i.e. approximately 40 g of alcohol may increase blood pressure.